Monday, August 27, 2007

Children of the '80's

So what do you do if you're bored on a Saturday night, and you're a sober, responsible Senior? You go to the movies of course! And not just in any old get-up from your wardrobe, either. You dress in your '80's finest and go see the 10th anniversary re-release of "Dirty Dancing!" Break out those leggings, that blue eye shadow, and Marty McFly vest, cause it's gonna be a great night! Don't forget to stop at the DQ before the big show and annoy both the workers and customers. Aces!
Above, Andy & Jayne pose as the quintessential '80's couple. Check out Andy's attention to detail with his tight-rolled jeans and layered tops. Jayne's fountain spout hair and two pairs of socks cry out '80's chic. They were the best dressed couple of the evening.

1 comment:

Marybeth said...

I remember this night like it was 10 years ago! Y'all did know how to treat the week-ends uniquely! Cheers to all - hope everyone in all of these pics gets a chance to blog with you!